Either through renting our barebones tricycle here in New York or hiring our team to create an elaborate display, our tricycle pop-ups will be a wonderful promotional move for your business. If you have any questions, email us at contact@djbask.in.



Minimal Package

Prices vary

✓ Consultation, route advice, and set-up assistance.

✓ Tricycle rental for a full day.


Super Package

Prices vary

✓ We'll create a custom display with our team of art directors and engineers. Pricing is variable depending on the setup.

✓ We'll install or create your company signage and visible social media tag-ability.

✓ We'll provide a cycling salesperson and a mobile POS system.

✓ You don't need to live in New York! We can ship any unsold products back to you.

✓ Tricycle rental for a full day.


Email us or book a tricycle to start a discussion. 

What if it rains? We'll reschedule the event.